Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Sprint’s Strategy Aims To Connect People

Stephen Bye, Sprint’s CTO and Senior Vice President of Technology Development and Corporate Strategy, started off the PCIA’s 2013 Wireless Infrastructure Show by reminding us that connecting people is very powerful. Bye explains that, “it takes a network to bring that to life.” He believes that the network is the unsung hero of the wireless industry. “My smartphone isn’t smart unless it’s connected to a network,” Bye noted.

Sprint’s is working to making their network more sophisticated and intuitive. Bye commented on how incredible it is that so many people are choosing to communicate online with Twitter, Facebook, and other websites. With so many people choosing to interact online with one another, there are capacity challenges and data challenges that Sprint is facing. Consumer demand is increasing for video content and web content. Bye believes that it’s important to look at this important opportunity they have to discover how to provide the service they can.

Sprint’s main focus is customer experience. Many people assume that big data is purely for advertising reasons, but Bye remarked that there is a lot to be gained from the analytics provided by big data. You have the chance to look at the amount of data provided and decide what is the most important.

“There is no silver bullet. We’re going to keeping pushing innovation on all fronts,” Bye said. “We’re going to have to push the envelope on all levels to steady the capacity demands. We have an obligation to meet our customer needs. We also have an opportunity to for innovation, happiness, healthiness, and awareness.”

In closing, Bye explained that Sprint is working to make their devices more intuitive and less reactive so the device can anticipate your needs and provide them in the most efficient way. Bye said, “The network of tomorrow will be brilliant.”

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