Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Technology Use Expands in Schools; Towers Still Unwelcome

In Des Moines, Iowa a growing number of classrooms are using online resources to study from and even take exams, according to USA Today. Teachers have begun incorporating technology into their daily lessons in order to keep students engaged and interest them in what’s being taught. USA Today reported, “American youths between the ages of 8 and 18 on average spend more than twice as much time with high-tech screens each year as they spend in school, according to national research.” Even though technology is expanding at a rapid rate throughout schools, the infrastructure that supports it is not. Many communities are still against putting towers on or near school grounds due to possible health concerns. But if using mobile technology in the classroom is the way of the future, then something will have to change. According to USA Today, “Nearly half of Iowa’s 346 K-12 school districts now assign students laptop or tablet computers for use at home and in the classroom. Results of a national survey released last year show that 51% of all high school students have smartphones.” “If you have a smartphone, it’s like you always have a study buddy,” said William Wiborg, 14, an East High School ninth-grader. “You can pull it out and do whatever you need to do.”
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