Monday, August 12, 2013

Sprint’s Cell Tower Out Of Service In Washington, Virginia

According to the Rappahannock News, Sprint’s cellular tower on the Miller farm near the town of Washington has been out of service since last Thursday. This outage is affecting several hundred regular users in the area, including the County Sheriff’s Office.  Kelly Schlageter, Sprint’s Virginia spokeswoman said on Friday that they had determined the issue and were dispatching a technician to fix the problem.

As of Monday a 1:00pm, the Rappahannock News reported that, “Sheriff Connie C. Smith reports that the RCSO has contacted Sprint ‘four or five times’ to report the outage and attempt to have it resolved. ‘We still have no cell phone service,” Smith said, adding that she saw what appeared to be a repair crew working on the tower early Monday morning.’”

Hopefully, Sprint will get this tower up and running properly so that the members of Washington, Virginia have cellular service in the area. 

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